Original Post
50% sell suggestion
- Suggestion.

/I suggest to add an option on the forum (can be added on the "TB next in-game market" too) that allows you to sell a item to the forum (it could be sumated to the stock if it is a limited item) for the 50% or a minor % of the normal price.

- How this option could be useful.

/This option can help these player who doesn't like/hate some of he's buyed items, and wants to sell it as soon as possible (and some stuff are REALLY hard to sell).

- Examples:

1) If you're new and you buy chronos/gladiator/orc stuff, you can't sell it easily 'cuz those items are for begginers and you can't sell it fast (except putting it on the market for a high -%).

2) If you're a "normal/experienced" player and need some quick TC's to pay a loan or to buy a limited item, you can (with this option) sell some items to get TC's

- Sorry for my shitty english.
Karbn as you know there are many items that arent on the market and you can set it to be 9999999999999999999999 and get fuck tons of tc over and over by abusing it. sombody would have to manually update the prices on the bot so it doesnt get abused so i dont think this is a good idea.

also if you sell an item for cheap enough somebody will buy it.
|Jacklox2| |Frost| |MrBeany| |Nugget| |Sheetboy| xFIRExGAME |
kdigity, just because they're not on the shop doesnt mean they don't have IDs. each item corresponds with an item id. all items have a set price. take the odd mask for example. it's not on the shop, but it still has a set shop price and people can still see the percentage of the deal.

Just cause it's not on the shop doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

i'm not sure what you mean by setting the price to be 999999999tc though? nowhere in my statement did i say you should be able to manually upload a price for the toribot to check, that'd be just stupid. the bot would most likely use a command to check the item's ID number, which shows it's shop price. the bot would then offer 25% of that set shop price. and that's IF the bot would be added.
This is almost the same thing i suggested, the bot gives you arroun 40% or minus for the item, the item selled can be deleted and restocked on the shop (if the item has a límites stock)
3 years ago I offered something more interesting
It also could solve problem with "who set the price". If no one willing to buy item you still stuck tho.
Last edited by xbcz; Dec 2, 2017 at 07:33 AM.
The idea is nice. If you need quick TC, you can sell an item instantly for a low price. If you are worried about that it can be abused, the price might be based on curent market price, not the shop. So you will be unable to buy items from market to resell them for more just with this option.
Even though that, it would be more safe if the system would remember the price that the item was bought for, and discount the quicksell price from it. So let's say an item costs 2k in market, and the next guy in market offers the same item for 10k. Some person wants to make quick profit - buy the item for 2k and quicksell it for 5k (if it's a 50% drop), using the quicksell option he still will sell it for 1k.

IMO this is a suggestion that should be developed and implemented.
It would be a good idea if there is Auto-Sell. Not to deficit the Market. But like Autosell 50%. For Example i have an item that is worth 10k. If i autosell. it cost 5k. or even shorter percent.

Most of item today are barely been sold.

Tl;dr: not a fan and would be hard to implement. How do I estimate the price? You can't take the shop price, some items are sold 95% cheaper at the market