Been farming this game for a month or two now, it’s almost the only game I actively play nowadays.
I play warden, peacekeeper and sometimes oroshi (but my teammate mains oroshiand since I actually almost only do brawls and duels...). I’m not really high rep (rep 10 warden, rep 1 pk) but I have a higher level than most of rep 10, so I only play ranked.
Been stuck in Diamon V for days now, most of the fights here are against 120+ repsso... hard asf.
The new season is pretty neat, tho there were some really bad changes, such as a shugoki nerf (the only hero who were on C tier for duels, brawls, 4v4 excluding dominions and breach...) and a gladiator nerf, even tho the glad is pretty balanced, his zone is hard to counter but we get used to that.
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I main Warden a currently low teir character and still manage to maintain a 70% W/L and a near 2.0 kdr playing mainly brawl/duel.
Warden is S tier in every platform, due to his shoulder bash that can be canceled at any time and lots of incredible mixups
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Repped shaolin and nuxia to 5 and struggling to decide who to progress with, think it might have to be nuxia.
You shouldn’t loose your time with nuxia, she’s.... so bad, like wth. Her deflect isn’t garanteed, she doesn’t deal tons of damages, the strongest hit is her traps but it’s 100% dodgeable (I usually make lots of nuxia ragequit when I emote dodge there traps uhu)