Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by DarkJak View Post

None of the higher clans do it either.

Taxes are....corruption.

who are you to care?
we gonna use the money to buy stuff for the members.
and we pretty much do not care what other clans do.

and taxes are coruption?
yea the states are very corrupt to buy new streets, help the poor et cetera.
Last edited by blaj; Nov 18, 2008 at 07:34 PM.

wanna take off shirt and kiss?
lol =), i guess taxes stay, i kinda like the tax idea as well.

And blaj, darkjak is a good friend of mine, so please be nice to him =)

no i dont.

Mc1ovin, AHM, Blaj, DecyReilly, Gmon, DarkJak. those are my top Good friends. everyone below that is Friend, then below that, is cool person, then below that, is wow GTFO lol.

personly i like the idea of taxation i just doubt it would work and im sure the leaders will missuse the money. but if you cant get over those problems it would be great lol.
daxx, i agree that they would work, but me and blaj dont misuse the money, i dont need too...... and i can watch blaj. but everyone is right, many leaders would easily fall corrupt to a bank of 20k+

i said MANY lololol.

i would fail for 450k

Depends on the person. As for taxes, it could work, but it depends on if your members play enough. I remember when I was a lill n00blet & every cred I earned was one step closer to buying something cool - I'd have been gutted if I had to give them away.

450K aint that much, I've donated over 350K in total over the past couple of months & I'm carrying my clan's bank too.

So long as the person who's got it isn't a texture whore or doesn't run off with it all's fine.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
lol, im not a texture whore anymore though, theres nothing else i needa buy =)