- when you open your own clan info, the buttons underneath (i.e. torishop) can be clicked
+ after this, the clan gui becomes stuck behind the menu and can't be closed
- rectangle can be seen in the back arrow in the clan gui
- our clan is #34 in the clan gui but shows as 200+ in the forum list
- image above "matchmaking is available with brown belt" is very low quality
- "7077993 players searching" for ranked game apparently
- clan GUI can be clicked through the matchmaking GUI
- can't find a login button (and /login only works in multiplayer) (need to restart game)
- i keep getting this error in chat:
https://prnt.sc/j4vnth not sure why
- if you're not logged in when the game starts, it shows the old login menu
- matchmake button bottom left still opens the old menu
- sometimes, when going from fullscreen to windowed (ctrl + enter), the menu becomes incorrectly scaled and some buttons are unclickable i.e. settings/discord/shiai
- when logged in, i have a "-1.#IND% win rate"
- sometimes the mod maker just opens on top of the menu
- sometimes, the menu will stay open when i join a server and when i press escape to close it, it also closes the chat and the player list
- matchmaking gui sometimes tells me im bronze, sometimes ELO hell. i'm unranked 0 games played
- daily reward doesn't open when searching for matchmaking
Last edited by Surge_old2; Apr 13, 2018 at 08:10 PM.