could i get a head with...

Color scheme: green and/or black
Inspiration: dragon, snake or lizard head
Effects: glowing eyes
Cost: ill pay 1000tc if it is good and another 1000tc if it is done by 27/11/2008 australian (two days from when this was posted)

tell me if that is not enough time
Last edited by Blue; Nov 25, 2008 at 08:34 AM.
well, ur tex set looks pretty random right now, so i can just make u a really random, but cool ground?

Wolf Signature
Dark Blueish / Black colour (make it look like night time :P)
a moon

Also if u can plz shrink the picture if u want
Put it to the suitable size :P
WolfReaperz in red dripping blood letters

~ Thanks

also this is a Signature

Cost: Ill pay between 800 - 1k depending on ur sig
and try to make the moon glow. But not to much
and this has nothin to do with a game :P or anything
Last edited by WolfReaperz; Dec 1, 2008 at 01:05 AM.
ok then i will also get a set to match the head that i orded

again 1000tc if it is good plus another 1000tc if it is done by 27/11/2008
tell meh if that is not enough time
Last edited by Blue; Nov 25, 2008 at 10:20 AM.