Different tutorial approach, sponsoring streamers and disabling hotkeys for beginners
So, while watching
this ConCon's video, a couple of ideas came to my mind.
Tutorial Overhaul
I know it's already been remade somewhere in the past but I still think it fails to deliver what Toribash is about. I played it all again to see what it focuses on and it's strictly about gameplay. If this game was only gameplay it wouldn't been dying, but dead since 2010 probably.
What I'm suggesting is taking it with a different approach: keep the gameplay tutorial obviously, since it's necessary, but press a lot on the community aspects. That means a general look at what Toribash can offer, like bet servers, the market, duels, tournaments, clans, customization, the possibility of drawing buying and selling your own textures (this isn't obvious at all, I've seen newer players wondering about it ingame), the whole forum and all of the events from ES squad. And more that I can't think about right now.
That would be a lot of info to soak in the first time, but I think that a simple, direct tutorial video with a voice explanation would be great and effective (i suggest Solax's voice). Toribash is so much more than just plain matches in a lobby and I'm sure that more than at least 90% players that tried the game never knew about it.
Sponsor streamers
Bare with me now, I have no knowledge whatsoever about how this works. I'll just throw this idea in, if you know more about the topic your opinion would be appreciated.
What I have in mind is sponsoring twitch streamers to play the game. Streamers have an huge influence on gaming community and having toribash as an highly streamed game would bring a lot of people here. At the moment there is simply not enough of that, we have a few fellow streamers but no matter how much effort it's hard to even reach 5 total viewers. Toribash seems to be invisible outside of here.
A streamer that plays toribash has the potential of bringing hundreds of players to make an account if he even just asks them to join his server to play during the stream, since it's free to play. Yes, I'm aware that many of them probably wouldn't open the game ever again, but some may like it and stick to it. Combined with my previous suggestion it could bring some change to the state of the game.
Problem: it requires money for the sponsor and it's obviously completely up to the developers to see if that's affordable or not, i have no idea about how much you'd need to pay neither how much money they actually make out of the game. It could very well just be counterproductive.
Another small beginner friendly idea: not feeling like making a new thread for this, but I came up with this yesterday after watching a stream of a new player. There are currently a lot of shortcuts that at the beginning you don't know about, so this guy was playing and accidentally clicked "2", activating the free mode cam. He didn't know how to fix it and started hitting random keys messing stuff up. In the end he had to restart the game while raging.
Now imagine a player that isn't streaming and tries for the first time the game on his own, he might very well just say "Screw this buggy game" and quit.
What I'm suggesting is an option, by default activated, that disables all shortcuts except the most basic ones like movement. Newer players wouldn't use them anyways, since they don't know about their existance, and if in need they could activate them from the options menu.
Last edited by WeppetKo; Aug 22, 2018 at 05:30 PM.