If you like slowly displacing your SI joint day-by-day, feel free to place your valuables in your back pocket and sit on them.

I personally put my phones, keys, and wallet in the front in preparation for a mugging. I think it's a lot more sensual to be caressed at the thigh. I'm not against having my ass grabbed, but when it comes down to it, I prefer to not degrade my spinal alignment every time I sit down.
I kept old clans in my front pockets for years, somehow they still got stolen.

Thus, I am an advocate for the back pocket brigade.
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
Front pockets if I no jacket because, I put my hands in the front pockets anyway, but if I have a jacket on the I put them in the inside pocket.
[Parrot], [Alpha], [Parrot], [WAPOW]
[NOoT], [TL] and [TA]
Clan League 2016 2nd place holder.
Clan League 2017 1st place holder.
Putting stuff in your back pocket is convenient only when you are filming a movie and the director wants you to be pickpocketed.
Originally Posted by THIGGIST View Post
phone in right front, wallet and keys in left front

I do exactly the same.

Also I read that constantly sitting on your wallet in your back pocket will cause back pain and will misalign your pelvis and spine.
I hate putting stuff in back pockets just because it feels so uncomfortable, so I never had to even consider security issues.

Also best place for wallet has always been inside pocket of a jacket when I wear one.