Ok, i see that you know the velocity is not right but i still have to talk about it (i want to).
So to start off i want to point out the vert beginning of the first clip, the transition from normal to aim view seems so out of place and i think it would have been much better if you started straight with the shot.
The first transition look so rushed, you could have done a slowmo for the rest of the first clip to wait for the beat and also add a zoom in to make the transition smoother.
I think the second clip would look better if you made the hit happen earlier (cut some of the clip before it) and the fast spinning camera is annoying af, yes i know you said you didn't do the velocity good but for future edits try to keep it slower and do speed bumps in the beats (or viceversa or whatever fit what you are going for. I just don't think it fit this clip.
Next transition is so out of place and why did the time completely stop for a moment? Maybe some use of zoom in and out would give it a more dynamic feel.
Another out of place transition, however i don't have a problem with the syncing of this one. Atleast it look smooth and quite pleasing for the eye.
For that last clip, i'd suggest that instead of speeding up after that hit you could just do some zoom in pan/crop synced with the beat. That would look way better in my opinion.
Ofc, thats just my vision of how it would be better, there are alot of things you could do with it but i think you need to master the basics first.