quote: ''another special boy...
if it would be that obvious they wld not have wrote quote "REQUIRES AN EXISTING FLAME/FORGED FLAME TO USE
"in the shop of the homepage...
man u folks really should change ur diet period

here an other good quote for u smart people: ''Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.'' - francis bacon''

u dont deserve any more attention kid.
I'm trying to be logical here and you're here just to be rude and complain about your own shortcomings. You could've just double-check everything before buying, that's all.
Also, calling me a kid makes you an existence of the same caliber as the word you used.
aeiou | #bantwin | twin's musical sense is like morning diarrhea
what is ur point of being here being logical u are kidding me again! thats the reason u are called a kid. because everything u say is just joke. childish and stupid responses are worth nothing.

i am waiting for technical support and all i get is an attentionwhore kid who is not even capable of putting 1and1 together nor reading simple things. so fuck off and piss off u piece of......

recall because of all this nonsense of this f....:
1. inaccurate description in the ingame shop!!! so i need my cash back!!!
bought the ''128x128 Flame Particle Texture'' for 10k.... in the ingame shop is nowhere written that it doesnt give u a flame! u should change that.
3. if it would be that obvious they wld not have wrote quote "REQUIRES AN EXISTING FLAME/FORGED FLAME TO USE"in the shop of the homepage..