Originally Posted by
well, i guess it ended up that way, idc if they want to believe it or not as long as they stop thinking they are superior for thinking they have the right religion and start asking questions themselfs.
about the proof, well yes, alot and alot of proofs and they are mainly scientifically incorrect verses,contradictions and immorality. oh and the fact that literally no one in the whole world saw the moon split in two at the time.
That isn't going to happen.
Everything, every smart point, every debate-able topic, every absolute absurdity you point out to someone who is older than you and is STILL deeply religious - has already been said to them before. You're not convincing them of anything new. It's not like they woke up one day with some notion to follow the words of their holy book for fun and never questioned it and they're just waiting for a young educated person to show them the way to live. They've heard the counterarguments, they've heard the non-believers, and they still believe what they believe. So what you're trying to do won't work.
It can however piss them off. And if they are in a position of power over you, it's best to not consistently piss them off. Usually, talking about people's religion, especially in a questioning manner, is a good way to get heated fast. You do not want that.
I'm glad you've found your own personal truth and feel it's going to withstand the scrutiny of others. But it's wise for you at this stage of the game to keep it mostly to yourself until you're in the position to be safe from them and their influence.