one time when i was in primary school fucking around with a friend i tried to kick him and he grabbed my leg, then mr fucking retard pops out of nowhere and lifts my other leg up expecting me to have perfect balance or something. turns out thats not how physics work and i fell off backwards which made me hit the edge of concrete that was part of the wall next to us with my head
then they took me to the hospital while i was crying and shitting and cumming and got some stitches
also i felt bad for my friend that i tried to kick bc he was crying afterwards and apologizing even though it wasnt his fault lol
ive also fell off my bike a bunch of times because im really dumb i have scars on both of my shoulders just from that
never really dealt with serious injuries, hope i never do
Last edited by basic; May 8, 2019 at 11:55 PM.