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dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn

Logo number 3: 3 votes
Logo number 4: 1 vote

I will wait an extra day to finalise results. Then I will send you the file Sora.
3 And 2
For Me The Number 2 Is Cool For Our Forum On Top of Our Avatar And Its a good Picture for the icon like mine atm

And Number 3 is a good logo for us and our ground texture thats why im voting them
Chan The Official Weaboo Of Toribash Feel Free To Ask Me Question In Dm's
Nitrate| Loli | Tyka | Cdean | Crxzy112
[A]venture | [Alpha] | (Female) | [Aeon] | [Hack]
We can buy the display clan logo in members post thing and the 2nd picture will look bad on posts
You can tell them which image you want used. So no it wouldn't look bad because the second image is not a logo. A logo is an image or symbol which provides an insight into an organisation. Not a name + Logo. I support alladyne on his suggestion