Pushed a new build on Steam:
Toribash 5.5 (alpha 201009)
- Fixed win points to work properly with dismembers and fractures
- Fixed point threshold to give more points on high damage hits (calculated as a rounded down value of damage divided by threshold)
- New UI gamerules menu
- Fixed the bug from previous build that was resulting in ghost exploding on high speed
- Minimum screen resolution increased from 320x240 to 768x480
- Lua get_gamerule(string name) and set_gamerule(string name, string value) functions
Known issues / things I'm still working on:
- Ghost speed can't be set to a non-round value (only 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 is accepted)
- New UI gamerules menu doesn't accept custom turnframes (e.g. 10,20,30,40,...), use /set turnframes instead
UIElement updates (lua-based interfaces) ►- isNumeric text fields allow minus (-) as first symbol and dot (.) as non-first symbol
- Scrollable lists' buttonDown event now returns scrollSuccessful state to use for exiting in mouse handler hooks - prevents scrolling multiple lists on overlaying menus
- When hovering over a text field, ignore the element used for input and don't exit mouse handler hook - allows using hoverColor on text fields
- TBMenu:spawnTextField() can now spawn rounded text fields (follows parent element settings)