I stopped playing so often like in 2015-2016 i think mainly because the game just didn't evolve anymore in any way that was keeping me captivated. It was too repetitive and too boring, yeah you could say most popular games like CSGO, LOL, DOTA or any other multiplayer game like this is repetitive, but those games have the element of replayability and they have it a lot. Toribash on the other hand isn't newbie friendly tbh that much and after a while it becomes really boring.
On the other hand i never left the community on the forum, everyday i visit the forum at least once per day to see what's new and the community is up to, but for the game i rarely but it up anymore these days, it's a wonder i still have it installed for some reason, but it isn't that big so i can redownload it anytime if i want to with no problem.