Originally Posted by
belt does not measure mp experience level, there have been at least two belt resets while I was playing toribash. If I had all the exp I would be about 8th dan, but really. Rejecting someone on the bases of his belt is total bullshit and gives me many reasons to leave this clan right now.
Dont be dramatic :/ You wont get anywhere in life crying " I'll quit " when you dont get your way. I grow weary of this kind of pre-school argument.
3DR insures a minimum MP exp is kept. We are not talking about total exp, just a minimum. If you are MP focused the 3DR shouldn't be a prob as your main goal it to get to a higher belt anyway. This rule also encourages people to play and improve at MP
I'm not accounting for qi-boosters - they are lame
Back to topic,
Splinter, in your next post please include the following
* Preferred mods
* Previous clans
* Skillz you can bring to Urban(photoshop etc)
* any other relevant details.
Post some more SP replays. Try and post a variety - not just mad/boom replays ;) This could include Dancing, Decaps, Flawless, Skeets, Walking, Juggling, Hackysack, Mods, W-Builder mods, etc.
You are applying based on SP skill so show off and sell yourself mate ;)