Instead of just showing how much % expensive/discount an item listed is, maybe add a line under/next to it that shows the original Torishop price of an item?
Also might be helpful to add the tax 10% under the marketplace_shop itself, with profits before and after tax deductions
with a a nice visual indicator showing one's premium subscription with date of purchase or expiration date, which would be reflected on their shop page
Lack of categories to search within concerns me
Not sure I follow why would this be needed. "Expected income" shows how much you're going to get, not how much buyers will pay - you don't need to calculate any taxes there.
Discount smaller than 0.1% breaks rounding / limiting decimals on the discount value.
Discount color coding is not applied in main page at section "Latest Purchase Requests"
shops are hard to find i think there should be a way to search for shops / if a user has a shop it will automatically be on their user page like something like this
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