Why the hell everybody care so much about US, they have much more important things to do (fighting for oppressed or disadvantaged people inside it's society, or adding more gender columns in facebook to check, that's sarcasm)
That's no fucking Youtube where is war between Ukraine and Russia is some sort of regular content-makers' feud, and US making a reaction video upon that (like their military instructors never visited Ukraine and never shared any info upon fighting in urban enviorment and etc, also never sent any weapons, Ukraine army just cheated and spawned a few stingers in inventory, that's sarcasm btw)
but no actual troops r sent, and u know why
in that context, this war is a good reference to Pewdewpie against T-series
or maybe "Lord of the rings" films, where Mordor (Russia in our case,) invaded Middle-earth (Ukraine in that case, also Belarus, due it's choked by Russian Federation, clearly not a sarcasm)
And the whole thing doesn't work like "talk shit = get kissed", freedom of speech is good thing to cover yourself, and "temporary victim" status is profitable sometimes. (Told it to guy above which got inhumanly reaction on his jokes)
But that's blood bath (next time i just will paste gore here, how people actually die in this war, i am not afraid of being banned for this) if somebody clearly do not understanding what's going on - explanations would be more advanced.
It's just not healthy when someone joking about other people's suffering going right now and in this moment. (In historical context that's acceptable, if that happened long time ago)
Real suffer, when people just gut each other. And not "pseudo-suffering" on the basis that you are not respected for something.
I have nothing against United States and citizens of USA (and nobody cares actually about my opinion, lol), that's different country with it's own and individual history and etc, god bless it. But that's not a damn headliner in this conflict.
But i am trying to point, there is a huge piece of crap is going on. We already have a victim, and that's Ukraine with it's citizens. And Russian Federation (official name of country, if somebody doesn't knew it, everybody here is russian regardless of ethnicity) trying to enslave it, right now. And that thing (Russia) representing some weird totalitarianism. So common citizens of ours can't do anything. I got my butt kicked by police on protests a few times. GG, ffs
Totalitarianism works like this (dumb explanation):
Citizens have no authority. They SOMETIMES can make some sort of influence. (Do you prefer to be enslaved like this, or like that, you allowed to choose, maybe)
Briefly about the system in Russia:
The person who is elected by the people is not in power.
The real power is with the one who has the opportunity to kill this people. Or put in jail.
And under the pretext of high values and morality, as well as material gain, they support the second. Otherwise - do not get into someone else's game and mind your own business. Citizens of Russia either live in this country or get out of here.
Ukraine threw off these shackles. This is a country, not a buffer zone for Russia. This is what our Sauron did not like.
(Of course, we have laws written on paper. But when someone needs to advance their interests, no agreements mean anything.)
Ukraine is literally a victim.
The insanity of our old motherfuckers has led to such idiocy. Be glad that you have the opportunity to protest, and that your opinion means something. We have such a right only on paper. But not in fact.
This is not fucking funny. Of course, everyone has their own problems and their own lives, and someone doesn’t give a damn, and that's ok, but any nightmare will become real at this rate.
There is no room for satire here. The absurdity in my words was just for an example.
I am just against the fact of our people getting killed by each other, and also getting judged by people who can't tell the difference between brainwashed zombie and civilian without any choice. Just mentioning that.
Also getting nervous because shitton of our clan members live in Ukraine. Also relatives. And that's my POV. Got involved even if personally i am not planned to support that bitch-ass invasion. And there is hella lot of people in Russia who have same feelings, and also opposite. It's all complicated, and screwed. (but should mark here the fact - i am not a victim of this war as Hug)
And our people just got that message from other world:
Get fucked, enjoy.
Well, as a person who lives in an aggressor country, I'm supposed to shut up already.
My apologies to everyone who bothered to read this. I speak English badly.
All I ask is:
Read Hug's posts. He does not exaggerate what is happening. So don't underestimate the situation.
But i should admit, Skizz did a good speech. And McFarbo too. (Even if your sense of humour made me angry as fuck)
But truth is always between. Maybe Nato did everything for Russia to obtain the "reason" to attack Ukraine. Some sort of provocation. And Russia did a REEEEE.
But Russia is fucked up. From tons of dead bodies i see. Looks like Putin got pranked and made a proof about how huge asshole he is.
Looks like big boys playing the game nobody can't understand.
People which disliking that post:
Most of this shit being said for people who don't fucking understand what's going on. At least i told most of this to McFarbo and Skizz, but anyway they got some truth in their words. They got a point, whole situation could be worse. I have not total agreement with all they say. And situation is COMPLICATED. And by saying GOOD SPEECH i don't mean anything like "now that's a reason, let's rape the Ukraine". It just got the seeds of reason. I keep telling there is fucking slaughterhouse going on. And innocent people under damn fire.
And i tried to roast fake-support before it happened. Because some people want to look good. I tried to not point at alive people and call 'em bad. Ffs, of course it's fucking evil when you just jumping on hypetrain and trying to look a good guy when others getting killed. That's why i mentioned some things.
I donated something to Ukraine at least and and went to protests against war and it physically affected me. A few baton hits, but anyway. At least tried. But who fucking cares. (And i am not only one who against that) And tha'ts not equal to things Hug got on his days rn.
And some people here only do profitable things. If that's profitable to be victim - they would be. If that's profitable to support victim - would be like that. Or maybe keep an image of support.(Sacrifices should be made, even small ones. If somebody really care. That's not about quality, it's all about amount of people involved.) Idk how to explain it. I said this because Skizz and McFarbo got a feedback. Equal to words they said.
"We making jokes, now we suffered something too, now we are right and lol fuck you"
that's what i marked with words about playing victim, and also about fake support, but maybe he really did something, i dunno
By mentioning that i am trying to say, only pure support would help. Without things like "i did so much so look on me", cuz that's not going to help.
Politics is dirty shit. And if war with Ukraine will help to end current Russia, that's only thing good. But, cost is insanely high. And for me it looks like that. Nobody did shit to accept Ukraine into EU fast as it could be. Nobody made Ukraine a part of NATO. It should be made long time ago. Before Moscow got a balls to attack it. (I am glad the Ukraine protect itself proudly.)
And Ukraine people suffer right now. Not anybody of yours. Only doing a reaction, and trying to cancel Russia. I just don't really believe it will work. But i hope it can.
But when it's in hot, nobody stops the crime. And nobody wants to loose something. Just whining how bad it is, but nobody stops the violence. Ukraine somehow should win war by itself and keep fighting. Sanctions not stopping death numbers from growing.
Well, financial support is going to change, which citizens will die more often in this war.
Last edited by T0n0mi; Mar 12, 2022 at 09:34 AM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump