Yea, I was learning to swim in my childhood. We were told to swim without our arm floaties, but I still didn't really know how to do it properly.
Anyway, I got into the pool, somehow swam into the center of it (it was relatively small, so I could reach the borders pretty easily) and further noticed that I was going down, pretty fast. It was already pretty loud in the area and I was almost not able to scream for help (i don't really know why, maybe something got into my lungs?), the only way I could possibly tell that I'm fucking drowning was waving my hands, which didn't really succeed, I couldn't do it either. While for some reason nobody was watching the pool, or someone checked it for one second, and thought that I was fine, I was trying to reach for the border, and-d-d... i did it. It was an awful experience of feeling helpless and possibly passing out, because I couldn't really inhale shit.
I left the day after, and never swam again in my entire life.