i dont think dragon bash is in my time zone, could someone else give him a tryout if they notice he's on

(just do a status check when your on)
Name:Tyiscoo1 (Tyson)
Belt:Orange (Almost Next)
How active you are in the forums:Not alot but sometimes
How active you are in the game:On every day
Your speciality mod:Jousting
Anything unique you could bring to the clan: Idk i just need a clan
Can u do anything other than jousting like judo, akido, or Twinswords. Jousting is based on luck, not skill.
This public announcement was brought to you by your friends at Degeneration X, who want to remind you that if you aren't down with that, we've got two words for ya! Suck it!
yeah jousting isnt really a speciality
you'd have to be a dam good yellow belt im afraid

but i doubt your in my timezone judging by your post, so it wont be me that gives you a tryout
removing application
Last edited by Gum; Feb 11, 2009 at 05:22 AM.
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