my worst broken thing was my acl so thats not a bone buttt, i did break my 5th metatarsal bone, wasnt that great on a bmx at the time and was learning 180s, try to show off for a new guy that day and went a little too fast, barely spun, stuck right leg out at like 90 degrees, i spin to the left so that was my forward/outside leg, it plants into the ground i kinda keep going but my foot didnt move, i "flew" over my bike and planted foot, the angle got so steep my tendon attached to the metatarsal literally became a rubberband and snapped my bone in half from the tension, ~ smthn like 2-3weeks in a cast and no surgery, at the right angle it looks like i got 2 ankles on my right foot now ;p this was like late 2017 early 2018