Arctichunter, Barack Obama is not really Black. His mother is White American and his father is Kenyan. He is mixed. So please, stop telling he's Black !

Also, I like your message : Who cares even if he's Black, White, Mixed... as long as he's doing well his jobl...
Originally Posted by Chac View Post
That Roberts guy (bleep)ed up the oath, twice

Who's that Roberts, though ? Sorry, I don't know many things on american politics
Originally Posted by Fyerrblad View Post
Who's that Roberts, though ? Sorry, I don't know many things on american politics

John Robert's the chief justice of the supreme court. I love how Obama gave him the chance to fix his mistake. The way he handled it was very cool. And yes, Fyerr is right, it doesn't matter what race you are, as long as you do the job well. As one of my friends put it, the easiest way you can avoid bringing racism into the topic of his presidency was to not even think of it in the first place.

I really think he's a smart guy, who, even though he isn't more experienced than some, will be able to manage the presidency well. What he did, to work on a home for the poor on Martin Luther King Day was not only very smart, but inspiring. His humble attitude, to be willing to do manual labor even as the president-elect (at the time), is something I wish I saw in more Americans.
Since when did I become Asian?
Originally Posted by aslask View Post
Hmm. I watched it on TV. Just 6 hours difference here.

The justice guy screwed up the oath. Hah! And that Jazz lady singing, that was horrible.

Are you serious?

Aretha Franklin is a classic, her music touches the soul. No wonder Obama chose her. What an honor that would be.

Originally Posted by TheSorrow View Post
to tell you the truth, i was hoping he was going to get shot on live tv

That's disgusting, whether you're serious or not.
Since when did I become Asian?
I cant believe ppl thought that Obama messed, up it was actually the cheif justice, and Obama wanted to say it right