A lot better. Still coughing a lot and waking with a completely stuffed up nose though, but it gets a lot better during the day. Thanks
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
Better during the day eh? ... Hmm ...

I have an idea! Get a concorde, or another fast plane, a really fast plane. And a lot of fuel. And a pilot. And some permission to fly and that stuffs ...

Next fly the plane up high, very high, so high it is coming close to the outer limits of the ozone layer, above most normal commercial/private aircraft...

Next fly it fast, really damn fast, in the same direction that the Earth spins, and make sure you keep up with the Sun...

Next you can enjoy eternal** daytime and be illlness free!

** Eternal: as long as you can before your fuel runs out and you fall to Earth pretty fast, really fast, really really fucking fast, faster than you were flying, and then you die.
Proud memeber of (and Google for) [o]
BlakNWyte can't spell.