Secret Santa 2024
<VX> Phail: In the clan photo will there be anything to lean against?
<@Phailhost> i will add some objects in
<@Phailhost> little rails, walls
<@Phailhost> make it look abstract-ish
<VX> I want to be calmly leaning on a wall, arms & legs crossed if possible ;o
<@Phailhost> that would be cool
<VX> Yeah

Originally Posted by Novitech View Post
Something over the shoulder would be fine by me... kinda like this, but without the arm tension.

Are you gonna have one finger up to your mouth with a little lip pout? Maybe have a dog pulling down your bathing suit?
<Tapion> Salmon is nice fish
Actually, dont do whatever the fuck you want steve. So instead you know me well enough to do something my style. Im sure you will understand
Sigma Σ--------Youshop
BnW Member----Suomynona's AWESOME People
in this picture, is it possible to be upside down?
if so here would be my pose : ) (gona get mah head soon, i will make request and link will come to my sig)
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clan photo.jpg (16.0 KB, 14 views)
Last edited by Shadowlion; Mar 5, 2009 at 01:22 PM.
Eh,just come up whit a sexay pose for me XD that's all i want
For tex;s just /download dbuhos (/dl dbuhos)
Last edited by dbuhos; Mar 5, 2009 at 03:04 PM.
Centuries Of Damn
OK, I'll make a new head just for this photo, it'll be fun ^^
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
Fair enough. Use the pose like the one on frame 300 here, or something like it, at least. You get the idea. Crouching, with one hand ready to strike.
Attached Files
pose.rpl (24.6 KB, 8 views)
Here is a simple pose ima take the stiches off my head so when you take it it wont look stupid ;]
anyways You have the idea