TC Request
Name: Mosier
Amount Requested: 517,591 TC
Usage (Buying Items, Buying Textures, Etc.): Prostitutes.
Estimated Length of Withdrawal: As long as I fucking want.
Why You Deserve It (High Amounts Only) Because fuck you.
Have You Borrowed in the Past: Never
Have You Failed to Repay a Loan: All the time.
Name: Xenmas
Amount Requested: 20k
Usage : Buying item.
Estimated Length of Withdrawal: Soon. Should be getting instaboost.
Why You Deserve It : Cause i'll pay you back. -.-
Have You Borrowed in the Past: Yeah
Have You Failed to Repay a Loan: No
Is it possible for me to trade in a Quicksilver secondary gradient for 10k? I really don't want it.