listen, me and my family and most everyone i know recycles and re-uses, etc so this doesnt involve us. let me explain the life cycles of a sun. a sun is born through gas clouds and such... and then becomes, well the state it currently is. then over a large amount of time over trillions of years, it inflates into the red giant stage, in wich every planet in the solar system up to mars is swallowed, then it shrinks to a white dwarf. the earth you are describing as being destroyed by human hands is on the way anyway. sure, we can postpone the doomsday but it will happen anyway. welp, enough debate, i think it looks pretty crappy and choppy for a 3D peice, however, if it was a 2D it would look dang good, better than i could ever synth. maybe you should use more high-res pixels. your trying too hard also. keep it simple. its a political statement not a masterpiece, so keep it short and to the point. all and all, its a farely good piece for a photoshop novice. keep up the good work and dont sniff glue kids!