listen, me and my family and most everyone i know recycles and re-uses, etc so this doesnt involve us. let me explain the life cycles of a sun. a sun is born through gas clouds and such... and then becomes, well the state it currently is. then over a large amount of time over trillions of years, it inflates into the red giant stage, in wich every planet in the solar system up to mars is swallowed, then it shrinks to a white dwarf. the earth you are describing as being destroyed by human hands is on the way anyway. sure, we can postpone the doomsday but it will happen anyway. welp, enough debate, i think it looks pretty crappy and choppy for a 3D peice, however, if it was a 2D it would look dang good, better than i could ever synth. maybe you should use more high-res pixels. your trying too hard also. keep it simple. its a political statement not a masterpiece, so keep it short and to the point. all and all, its a farely good piece for a photoshop novice. keep up the good work and dont sniff glue kids!
(sniffs glue)

heīs using C4D, not photoshop.

just thought I should point that out. also, thereīs an untextured polygon near the top... prolly should fix that.
Former Item Forger
Nice eye stup. But i think he is using blender.
I like how you used the Baby Tori serious like font style. Also, I would make space black, with more stars.
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
Why is that asteroid thing so hot in freezing vacuum of space D:

Nevertheless...i can't link this image to ecology. Just doesn't pop at all.

A good pro-eco image would be drawing a barren trash-covered wasteland.
Originally Posted by Spartan094 View Post
Nice eye stup. But i think he is using blender.
I like how you used the Baby Tori serious like font style. Also, I would make space black, with more stars.

eh, I remember from when he first started posting.. he uses C4D.
Former Item Forger
only possible conclusion: itīs not a meteorite, but a giant trash ball, that we discarded into space (see futurama for reference)

But then this picture doesn't mean much... if it's just a trash ball discarded into space, that is. Unless it's gonna come crashing back. But in any case, we're not doing that with our waste, so that's not going to happen.
I'm pretty sure he's getting at the fact that the excessive pollution will attract pollution eating aliens. With flat meteors, the meteor needs different lighting to make it appear less flat, but the earth is nice, but it looks a little too perfect to be earth, maybe some clouds.
Last edited by Megadoomer; Mar 18, 2009 at 02:19 AM.
You don't 'shade' with 3D design...
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body