
1.) This is a thread for Suggestions.

2.) This thread blows. You don't learn by getting your ass kicked over and over again. You don't throw a twelve year old in the ring with a boxer. It doesn't work like that.

3.) Ishi has bad eyes so thats why he cant see that text.

Last edited by ishi; Mar 28, 2009 at 05:32 AM.
I learned by getting beat before there were belt servers. "Failure is a better teacher than doing something wrong", that quote is more than less true.
Originally Posted by KiTFoX View Post
2.) This thread blows. You don't learn by getting your ass kicked over and over again. You don't throw a twelve year old in the ring with a boxer. It doesn't work like that.

I agree with your other point, but not this one.

Your metaphor doesn't hold up, since both tori and uke are of equal physical ability, and because their injuries heal after every round.

Toribash is a mental game.

Many high belts are willing to help nudge newer players in the right direction with little bits of advice between rounds, and it helps the newbies to see how complex the game is.

It really depends on the persons ability to learn.

I think the learning curve is okay as it is, since by 1000 fights most people will have learned to move Tori at least semi effectively.

A large problem is everyone expects high-qi players to be good at whatever mode they play, which generally isn't the case.

( I've rambled off my original point, I believe, owell *post* )
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
Originally Posted by Eleeleth View Post
I agree with your other point, but not this one.

Your metaphor doesn't hold up, since both tori and uke are of equal physical ability, and because their injuries heal after every round.

Toribash is a mental game.

Many high belts are willing to help nudge newer players in the right direction with little bits of advice between rounds, and it helps the newbies to see how complex the game is.

It really depends on the persons ability to learn.

I think the learning curve is okay as it is, since by 1000 fights most people will have learned to move Tori at least semi effectively.

A large problem is everyone expects high-qi players to be good at whatever mode they play, which generally isn't the case.

( I've rambled off my original point, I believe, owell *post* )

Good lord. I don't have the time to read all that. Let's just assume Eleeleth made me look like a dumbass.

I forfeit.
your last statement... i've been trying to get another account going and in the lower belt servers i seem to always get overly complex and hit my own head off... it's because they need to learn how to make it more interesting... i really dont think that made the most sense.

Also kit he didnt really make you look like a dumbass you just are(JOKE!!!! now dont infract me) he just posted his own opinion.
Originally Posted by Yourface View Post
your last statement... i've been trying to get another account going and in the lower belt servers i seem to always get overly complex and hit my own head off... it's because they need to learn how to make it more interesting... i really dont think that made the most sense.

Also kit he didnt really make you look like a dumbass you just are(JOKE!!!! now dont infract me) he just posted his own opinion.

No, you just need to know your opponents better.

If someone is using a simple move and beating you, don't complain about it, just beat them.

Simple moves like they tend to use are generally easy to counter, but higher belts ignore the possibility of such moves being used by people such as myself. This leads to them getting their asses kicked by someone who is (obviously, in most of their minds) a weaker player than them.

The problem I've seen, is people tend to hate seeing simple, yet effective moves being used at a higher level.

I can understand if its a private server, but during say, a tournament, I'm going to use everything I know to win, and if that includes using a noobclap, so be it.

Honestly it seems like you're complaining about a non-existent problem, especially after reading your last post which i read mainly as "my overcomplex opener is losing to noobs, make them stop".

Sounds counterproductive to me. If you want to be stylish play single player, I'll stick to simply kicking your butt.

(good god I am talkative today O_O)
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
The low belt servers are for inexperienced players to play in for fun. It's not about getting good at the game. That's something that you do when you get onto the blackbelt servers and find that the ol' snapkick just won't cut it anymore.

The belt-limited servers are there to stop high belts kicking the shit out of newbies, and ruining the fun for them. I remember the days of high-belts jumping into the beginner servers, and no-one learned anything about how to play better... it was just about some 10th dan raping the beginners. let people l2plai once they reach blackbelt. the game's about fun.
Originally Posted by H4rl3quin View Post
The low belt servers are for inexperienced players to play in for fun. It's not about getting good at the game. That's something that you do when you get onto the blackbelt servers and find that the ol' snapkick just won't cut it anymore.

The belt-limited servers are there to stop high belts kicking the shit out of newbies, and ruining the fun for them. I remember the days of high-belts jumping into the beginner servers, and no-one learned anything about how to play better... it was just about some 10th dan raping the beginners. let people l2plai once they reach blackbelt. the game's about fun.

Thanks for putting what I tried to say more eloquently than I ever could.

<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
Also I would like to add, I can sometimes watch the experienced players for tactics or moves that I myself can use or improve upon.
Fonzie be with you.
Except the 10th dan doesnt always rape the noob.

Also the game is more fun when there is more action... if both people use a nub clap nothing ever happens, if both players use a more complex move then there will be more action which tends to be funner and you can really only learn how to do those moves by watching some one else do them.