I didn't undertand: Baku already bought helios force and relax or only force?
also, I can lower the price to 5k.
Klillpiu - damn I was to fast and lost your good deal sorry

Fernando: [prices are lower because this is only half of complet and I have to search for the second part]
Radioactive relax: 700tc
Noxius relax: 4,5k
Gold force: 6k
Funny way to die :)
I don't want to start another thread and I still want this items:

I'm searching both Forces and Laxes for half of the price in this colors:

Acid - under 9k for both

Aqua - under 1,5k for both

Bronze - under 4,5k for both

Radioactive - 700 tc for force

Gold - under 6k for relax

And QS force as chep as it can be.

Make your offers.

If I can pay in items I have:
Amber user text, Amber timer, Amber ghost
Crimson dq
Camo user text, Camo ghost, Camo timer, Camo dq
Last edited by BakuMiszcz; Mar 31, 2009 at 08:47 PM.
Funny way to die :)
Powas I saw QS force much cheaper long time ago. So I will wait for good days

xoxxo121 - It's a deal
Funny way to die :)