Christmas Lottery
2.7k for vampire,
bronze relax prize looks ok.
bronze force 1.3k
shaman relax, way to cheap! 16k atleast.
noxius 3.5k
bronze force 1k or nuthin
Vampire Relax -2.6! TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT! lol
Bronze relax-apsidjoauhsduh
Sending tc for Vamp and 2X bronze relax.
EDIT. and the nox relax .I forgot about it 3k or nuthing.
and the shaman is not "way to cheap" its just not the price u want. i mean really. its 25k in the tori shop.
Last edited by Chuk; Apr 3, 2009 at 09:57 PM. Reason: To be a sneaky bastard.
and the cheapest ive ever seen in the market is 18k for the shaman so it is way to cheap

well ill send the items now.
quote"and the cheapest !!!IVE EVER SEEN!!! in the market is 18k blabla bla blah blahhhhhh. "unquote
Yeah ive seen way cheaper.
Thanx for the buisness.
quote* blahblahblah *rexton sux* blahblahblah unqote
blahblah prizewhining blah*

well 16k is the prize for shaman now. You wont find it that cheap in the market now, its a great deal folks.

you're welcome
Great deal, selling

bronze force
dragon force
dragonrelax x2
marine force
marine relax
noxious relax
shaman relax
sphinx relax x2

for 7$
ok sent items, send money =/

edit: got the money =9 thanks
Last edited by rexton; Apr 5, 2009 at 03:01 AM.