hello this is cheeto0508 i got ban for a week cuz is sed little fucker in ur pants soo. ya also im going to be in china all april vacation. but to this post i am good at instagibfee and judo
thanks Shiakri. i try lol, since a few people are doing the training sessions i decided not to put a password on the room. besides, just tryin to help the clan ( and DjPz lol)
good idea but just one thing there are few pepol online every time (i know becouse im online every day) so thats te onely down side. finding others aint simple
lol yea i remember, no lie that was beast. but yea i just taught a yellow belt name doom5634 how to beast at twin swords 4. so yea i guess i'm good at lolnade and twin swords. but if anybody see me and want to train, just look for me.