Secret Santa 2024
our current Belt/QI: 3rd DAN Black Belt // 3946 Qi
Your GMT and Activity times: GMT +1 // i play when i have time
Your DIAF rank e.g. SF: SF
Why you want to join: i have been in this house before and i want to join here again

yup (4 if you count me lol) like i said, im determined to get this house back to its glory days!

Congrats to Goten and Zolfik
If either of you would like to become Elites that is accepted because you are both in the dan's
Last edited by 1000Oaks; Apr 20, 2009 at 05:29 AM.
Awesome Oaks your doing your job well ;)

Keep it up.

BTW, what's gonna happen to the EFP?
master of the universe
thnx ard, im gonna try!

i dunno, rafa didn't really mention it when he left so does anyone kno who the co-leader is
I'm thinking it's gonna be Duane cause he's the only freaking member there. ;)
master of the universe
Yeah I know what you mean Oaks
I'm thinking Duane is the leader of EFP now. ;)
master of the universe