Well one set of full platinum just got sold for 300k..

So can you offer somewhere around there?

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame
Anyways kill.

Would you pay 250k for the full platinum?

I can throw in an extra blood and ghost.

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame
12k Qs lax
3k vampire relax
9k Toxic force.
I know theses are horrible deals but its all i can budget right now. Just tell me yes or no. Or if u want a little more.
Last edited by Chuk; Apr 21, 2009 at 11:39 PM.
Hmm well im currently only interested in TC.

If you wanna buy items I will go the lowest in the deal finder,yo.

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame