Do you know what? Three months ago I knew a thread like this would come up. Someone talking about his SUPERPOWER! Like healing, telepathy, and other stuff. But that was no VISION as you call it. I was just playing in my mind and then I just had a bet with myself that if a thread like this really showed up, I would post this kind of message in it.
As for the telekenesis, I would also love to see someone move their pee around with their mind. And.... Ususally when people have "visions" it's just a coincidence. Like me, one month ago I had a dream where I got bitchslapped, no kidding. Then one week later it happened, not at the exact spot as in my dream, but close. Because we have this little game sometimes.
But what I'm trying to say IS, that lots of people around the globe, usually in rich countries in europe, asia, and in the US often has a "wild fantasy". I may explain more of this wild fantasy later.