2. Why would we need crap like it? What would it bring us to? I don't think its a good thing to give feeling-less things the right and ability to make own decisions, because it would only think logic, but not with the heart, so its pretty useless.
Wrong. They say it's the end of the fifth world. This means a drastic change will happen, not the end of the world.
To the topic, anyway. I doubt if we could ever create anything smarter than ourselves unless it's organic. And that will evolve, not be created in a lab.
A mechanic being? As it doesn't have free will, because it only thinks in feeded code, I doubt they'll take the world.
I have to disagree!
They've already hooked a rats brain up too a robot, to create a cyborg. Technologies advancing in crazy leaps, and we all know the foolishness of men knows no bounds! So when they think they can create something smarter then us, they will. Most likely without thinking through the consequences.