Doesn't sound too complicated.

Basically, how it would work:
Make a message that says "FINISH HIM"
Make Uke's body go limp
Apply constant upward force on a couple body parts so Uke doesn't just fall
For the instagib thing, do something like what NewbLuck did with punchout - if Tori's fist is close enough to Uke's body, it decaps (you can put more into it - like checking with all of Tori's body parts, not just Uke's, making a minimum speed requirement, making Uke explode, not just decap, etc.)
Probably not. I'm lazy.

But then, it's summer, I don't have a job, I don't have summer school, etc. I have nothing better to do with my life. Maybe.
nice idea! also you should do this to uke.
click uke and
hold abs, hips, glutes, and feet, relax all other joints, theres a finish him pose.
selling head textures for 50 tc finishes fast.i currently need 1500 tc for head avatar[not texture, avatar].
Originally Posted by Souls View Post
yeah It appears a nice idea, but.. Who'll do it ??

If I have time, I will. But I probably don't.

Some pseudo-code ideas:
1. Check if tori's points are over [insert value here]
2. if not, start over. If so, measure the downwards force on uke, and apply that force upwards.
3. Echo "FINISH HIM"
4. Make tori's hands and feet instagib (don't actually know if this is possible, never tested it) - if not possible, use cuckooman4's idea:
Originally Posted by cuckooman4 View Post
For the instagib thing, do something like what NewbLuck did with punchout - if Tori's fist is close enough to Uke's body, it decaps (you can put more into it - like checking with all of Tori's body parts, not just Uke's, making a minimum speed requirement, making Uke explode, not just decap, etc.)

It seems simple enough.
Last edited by supahninja; Mar 6, 2011 at 08:24 PM.
was on the edge to closing this for the 2YEAR BUMP, but if someone is actually going to do this now, so be it, i would suggest creating a new thread though.
Helge Sverre - System Developer