Nah, but for a while there there was a whole mess of threads about it, most of them saying things like "Wheeere is teh Gliiiitch racxors!?!?!?!", and it did get annoying.
It looks like an ok game, but as for now Im more excited about 4.0
Ah guys did you miss it? It was totally up for grabs at the website some few months ago, I was wondering why there werent many people online. Oh well your loss for missing out.
Ah guys did you miss it? It was totally up for grabs at the website some few months ago, I was wondering why there werent many people online. Oh well your loss for missing out.
*rams head into wall*
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Ya i remember seeing the vid about it.I thought, "Woah a game by Nabi,can't wait for it to come out".Yes,I also thought they abandoned it.But,I guess not.