@Mahulk: Don't post like that..please?
It makes us look unprofessionable and unorganized, next time use grammar.
Example instead of your post:
"Hey guys, I just got 10th Dan hehe -.^"

And yes, i'm a grammar nazi.
| tom |
Originally Posted by Castra View Post
@Mahulk: Don't post like that..please?
It makes us look unprofessionable and unorganized, next time use grammar.
Example instead of your post:
"Hey guys, I just got 10th Dan hehe -.^"

And yes, i'm a grammar nazi.

Don't post with colors and bold all the way through ;), Bad idea etc.,

Bs: Try putting the belt of each member and maybe there achivment picture thing also.
Belt: 2 dan

Age: 15
Talents: awesome at akido,kickboxing and fair at everthingelse and can run
Why you want to join: because I like how use guys run Atlantic and I wanna be in the best
Are you planning on staying forever/long period of time?: satying forever
What will you bring to the clan: all my talents active in ingame and fourms
Extra: I get boosters which could help the bank
User card (found in the torishop page):

p.s The DX replays are for killer and muhulk
Attached Files
leg breaker.rpl (32.8 KB, 4 views)
knock out.rpl (35.6 KB, 3 views)
ads punch by adam.rpl (19.3 KB, 4 views)
flying peices.rpl (92.9 KB, 3 views)
D-Genartion X.rpl (46.8 KB, 3 views)
Well, He's good in-game, but Being active may be a problem for him (post count)

He uses hold way to much in-game,

Also His reputation isn't spectacular either.

I say nay (yes/no)