you should 6 pool vs a 10 pool sometime, you'd know then that 10 pool is not a rush lol..
i play protoss personally, a good counter for zerg rushes is to 9 pylon 12 gate, make zealots and progress into a normal build. making a wall also helps.
good protoss vs terran rush strategy is zealots into voids with shield upgrades
I played a 6 min match todays.
Terran was teching up while I already had 2 zealots.
And a stalker, but it didn't come in time, because the game ended when I killed all of his scvs. I never knew that a zealot could kill 4 marines without dying.
I'd call a 9 pool a rush, basically to me anything before like 15~ is a rush
Most of the time (im T) ill see them 16 hatch into a 15 pool
Originally Posted by SoBscout
I played a 6 min match todays.
Terran was teching up while I already had 2 zealots.
And a stalker, but it didn't come in time, because the game ended when I killed all of his scvs. I never knew that a zealot could kill 4 marines without dying.
If he competently micro's 2 marines can kill a zealot.
though, once that second zeal comes, it gets difficult