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Tourney Announcement thread.
Catch all the latest tourney news here, each ingame tourney will be announced in this thread. So if you want to be in them, you'd better keep an eye on this thread.

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/jo gmtourney, we're gonna have a tournament with ceiling.tbm in 13 minutes.

EDIT: SCRATCH THAT the mod sucks
EDIT2: We're gonna use halfpipe2fix.tbm instead, /jo gmtourney already!
Last edited by Tonakai; Jun 19, 2013 at 02:03 PM.
This thread is only for tournament announcements. Please keep any other messages to PMs.

/jo onechance for a One Chance tournament! Been a while for one.
The objective this time is fastest DQ. How fast can you DQ me, who does not move?

/jo onechance already! Prize will be an Aurora Relax. Wow.
Starts in 30 minutes.

EDIT: Looks like the rubashians still can't check the server lists for upcoming tournaments, thus I have to delay this for a while...
Last edited by Tonakai; Jun 21, 2013 at 07:17 PM.
Another One Chance with the same objective! /jo onechance and we'll see who can DQ me the fastest!

The prize will be... A usertitle! Woah mang. Get in here already! Starts in 30 minutes.

EDIT: Started! You can still join, though. Get in while you can!
Last edited by Tonakai; Jun 22, 2013 at 09:25 PM.
Another One Chance!
Last time you had to DQ me... This time, it's the fastest self-DQ!
Do you have the balls to lose in front of a person who's just holding all? This time you may just be able to win some nice prizes, though...

/jo onechance already! Starts in 28 minutes.
Whoops, missed a few weeks of One Chance.
One Chance tournament in server onechance! /jo onechance
Objective is to get most points on me, though the settings are pretty weird this time around...

/jo onechance already! Random item prizes for first and second.

EDIT: 12 more mintues... Looks like I forgot we're gonna start in 30 minutes. lol
well, whatever.
Last edited by Tonakai; Jul 23, 2013 at 08:59 PM.
Another One Chance... The objective is once again most points, but this time with a twist! My points will be subtracted from your points! Don't hurt yourself too much.
Starts in 32 minutes... /jo onechance

EDIT: 9 more minutes, /jo onechance already
EDIT2: it's over
Last edited by Tonakai; Jul 24, 2013 at 11:07 PM.
One Chance tournament in 33 minutes!
/jo onechance
Objective is most points... in wushu3!

EDIT: 8 more minutes... /jo onechance already!
Last edited by Tonakai; Aug 9, 2013 at 12:52 PM.
One Chance tournament in 25 mins!
Objective is most points against me once again, though this time my points also count! They'll be subtracted from your points. Be careful!
/jo onechance
Another day, another One Chance tournament! wee woo
/jo onechance
As usual, it starts in 30 minutes. The objective is most points, though my points will also be added to the pot!