View Poll Results: Atic as another leader.
5 Votes / 26.32%
14 Votes / 73.68%
Voters: 19. You may not vote on this poll
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Too much awesome entries... I don't know if is the better or that: , however if that> were transparent...

Razasha you're awesomely good in art, you too Yiazmat, ooh so many good artist
This is just a Wip,If leo do this in pixels Will be Awesome.
[No-Mercy ~Co-Lider] [BTO ~Member] [T3AL ~Member] [JUJU ~ é treta]
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Need one set? Head? Art? PM-me.

We need to check the other clans' entries so we can compare and perhaps come to a conclusion on which one to set as our official entry.

I mean, we don't have to hurry, but we can't take too long too, we have two days right? Two days is more than enough to choose one, but also enough to tweak the current entries or even make new ones.
That is, of course, if our honorable artists could do so.
Originally Posted by EarthFoxx View Post

These are my favourites too, but I agree with matheus on making 's background transparent.
Roses are orange, violets are green, I am colorblind and can't rhyme.

I really prefer this usertitle but ...

the banners have these colors
this aren't like our "official colors" ?

Looks too 8-bit and the colors are shit

Same as above

This one is Ok but the one below this is better

This one is the best of its kind of choice of colors, but (1)s should be fixed and the ONE shouldn't be that uneven. Maybe make them 'I' <-- like number 1. of Roman numerals?

(1)s fucked up again and the colors are crap

Looking good but it has to be made stand out more if we choose it.

What if someone edited delicate, half-invisible (sorry if my English fails here xD) flames, I think they would make this one my absolute favorite!

It's good but the gun just doesn't make sense =D

I like this one in some twisted way but I just can't tell what's it missing O.o

I like it but could stand out more.

<----- THIS with flames and it's perfect.
Last edited by Jire; Jun 12, 2011 at 01:02 PM.