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Add BennyD to friends before you get impressed by my hours. :P
And Im still not good enough =/
So Ive been moved off support, into an offlane/backup carry role
gyro isnt such a great offlaner, especially when I actually come up against a decent dual or tri lane, but gyro is one of my favorite farming heroes, so im fairly confident in the play with him.
xept the last match, which had server issues, so myself and silencer had 1400 ping throughout the game... makes things challenging you know?
can/do also darkseer, windrunner offlane, but the team would prefer me to semi/backup carry
wanna work on my mirana, clinks, naix and bh, maybe even medusa, but i hate clinks' attack animation, my melee harass is horrible and well, medusa is just useless if i come against a trilane
Last edited by BenDover; Aug 13, 2013 at 09:48 AM.