The hits are nice and flow with eachother, it's not that bad at all.

I don't know what your style is, but I could give it a shot
Paw pew:
Well, the opener wasn't that great at all but it's alrght.
Your booms looked great, loved how nice was the flow between the first boom and the second one.
maybe the second one you should make it more destructive and cleaner.
Pose was really great, loved that pose.

Great job Pat.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
Aikido opener :/
Joint clash took too much time
You only used your arms, stiff legs etc.
Looks more like a training than a replay to me
Some people hate that kind of replays, but will get this.
Attached Files
Pat ~ Laugh.rpl (187.6 KB, 11 views)
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Well, i liek summer:
The self damage looked realy cool and destructive, but seems like your movement was pretty ugly.
Should relax a bit.
Opener was good, the first hit was really cool, looked destructive and i likd how you ghosted your feet to uke glutes.
The next hit looked really weak, U use shin.
The transition to the next kick wasn't that great but still alright, the last kick was pretty good.
Pose was cool.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
Alright boomhits, the first one was the most solid. You could have gone for a much bigger boomhit though.
You broke the flow before you landed the second hit, completely.
Found my new style:
flow and boxing.
And ofc with some kicks.

And completely serious, CnC me so I CnC you. Because I make a burst CnC but huh. No one CnC me.
Attached Files
Pat ~ fIowI^.rpl (160.1 KB, 13 views)
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Let me be honest,
Worrying too much about your style ain't gonna help you get anywhere.
Stop trying too hard to make something new, just be yourself and do whatever you like to. %90 of replaymakers don't have a particular style, style is just the way you move not the things you do. Replaymaking are meant to be fun and entertaining, you shouldn't do what other people would enjoy, you should do what you enjoy.