I heard about him. He seems cool.
I have a prob... I kept losing internet, so my main is banned until the 21st. My champs that I am working on are Morgana, Ziggs, Sona, and Shaco. Sona is SO op. i love her. Every game I've played with I've won. Besides one where I lost connection, but I was 8/1. My fav mode is ARAM.
I would like to play with you. We could have a nice bot with me being support Sona or something. We just have to wait until my main isn't banned, lol. I have an alt, but it is only lvl 6. I prefere to play ranged champs cause I hate fighting a ranged when I am melee, cause I hate getting poked. I am the poker. I love poking when I am Ziggs with my Q. It has nice, long range