I AM DECENSION (No shit -.-) but anyways, i'm 14 years old and i'm from britain (TEA PLS). I only really have one previous clan which is Aptitude, i joined because the owners are friends of mine and it was a good laugh for a while. I am pretty good at making textures, videos and sparring. My main in-game mods are things like aikido, any kind of sparring mod, ninjitsu etc. My skype is Battlox (A random string of letters that turned out to look like a name). Because of being british, my GMT is +-0 because of geographical things that no one cares about. I would like to join your clan as you have many good players and i would like to become one. fudgiebalz and kakajade already know me and i'm sure i'll get to know the rest of you very quickly. So let me in NAO ;)<3