Hello, I am DeadPod.

I am 18 years old and I live in the United States. I just recently joined a few months ago after watching my brother play for a while. I played for a while till my brother got ip banned for being an idiot in support and to the mods. IT sucks sharing an ip with an immature child but hey I can play now so my goal is to keep it like that.

I am white belt, but I do have skill. I am active on forums and in-game and am a respectable person.

It shouldn't take long for me to reach black belt so bare with me on the belts situation.

I want to join this clan because there seems to be a lot of good active members here. Ive been looking at this clan for a while and I normally see at least one of you guys on at a time so that makes me happy.

I try to be on forums all the time if not on my computer but on my phone as well.
I Agree.... To be honest a lot of alts have started joining in the past couple of days.... "The Game" did that..... But anyway... im not sure if i get a vote in this or not... but no.
I AM DECENSION (No shit -.-) but anyways, i'm 14 years old and i'm from britain (TEA PLS). I only really have one previous clan which is Aptitude, i joined because the owners are friends of mine and it was a good laugh for a while. I am pretty good at making textures, videos and sparring. My main in-game mods are things like aikido, any kind of sparring mod, ninjitsu etc. My skype is Battlox (A random string of letters that turned out to look like a name). Because of being british, my GMT is +-0 because of geographical things that no one cares about. I would like to join your clan as you have many good players and i would like to become one. fudgiebalz and kakajade already know me and i'm sure i'll get to know the rest of you very quickly. So let me in NAO ;)<3
"Life is a life. If you die, you have no life" - Dezrai
Decension.. I dont really know you... Nor do i think i have met you... But as for now... imma have to say yes... (Thats if im allowed to vote)
Well my vote doesn't matter now Since 3 yeses. But I have A.D.D. I read like 2 sentences and got bored. But what I read, I say yes. @Decension