Lost a war against victory because a guy kept doing rush kicks… After that won a war against lux. Now we are rank 11
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Originally Posted by WARMAN2011 View Post
Hey guys, how you doin?.

Repeat this in cowboy voice. :3

ok i guess.
awesome betting servers today won some, lost some :P
but lost my last 200 on a draw :S
[06:53]Sissykick: my friend was the hottest drag queen in the group.
I hosted one of those betting servers but that fucking other op toke nudges and house, he thought that house was something like can do more things in the server because you see: zwouter is the new server admin... Such stupid noob host
Rapid Threads Lmod.
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Made a poster for my bro; he plays world of warcraft and his clan is Vivid Impact hopefully you should see the clan banner in the attachment its not finshed and look quite simple.
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Originally Posted by zwouter View Post
Lost a war against victory because a guy kept doing rush kicks

You fought a war in mushu/wushu, and a guy rushkicked, and you didnt stop the war? Thats always a bad idea..

Originally Posted by zwouter View Post
I hosted one of those betting servers but that fucking other op toke nudges and house, he thought that house was something like can do more things in the server because you see: zwouter is the new server admin... Such stupid noob host

You can tell him to send you the money that he got.

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Congratulations, 200 posts!