Real name: Jackson
Why do you want to join: Well, I previously tried to join as a green belt, things did not go well for me, and I am a man who overcomes his failures
What can i offer: I have played Toribash since 2010 on another account. I was really bad. But now i can run/breakdance, parkour, also, I am active, and i am a 3D artist/ GFX
Something interesting about you: I am an MMA fighter IRL
What aren't you... Tell us the things you absolutely aren't: Unreliable
Do you know someone in the clan/recommended by someone?: IRC
Previous clans?: Rust, RaE
Timezone: EST Standard Time
Previous names/ accounts : None (Do not wish to tell my previous accounts due to the names forgotten)
"WarHead is the best" as creatively possible 3 times: Warhead is the best as creatively as possible 3 times
Ingame activity from a scale of 1-10= 10
Forum activity from a scale of 1-10= 8
Player Card:
We require a minimum of 2 replays: