Holy balls, the first applicant to put indentations in their application.
Hello there Jay. I recommend taking a look into finding an IRC client to communicate with us regularly. Our IRC channel is #claninq, so add that to your join list whenever you hop on. Currently the forum IRC is down, so it isn't possible for you to use it. Google search, "IceChat 9 Download", and go through the setup for the client. The IRC server is "irc.toribash.com", and the port is :6667.
There are some tutorials for the client out there, so I won't put any details on how to use the client. You'll get the hang of it. I've put your application up for discussion in our private board, so we'll have a reply to your application in a few days (be wary, it is a possibility that the application process can take weeks, so be patient).
tl;dr Hang around and post a bit. Join our IRC as soon as possible. Good luck!
Hello,my name is Jihad(ingame name Isuckz).I am a BlackBelt rank but i have the skill level of a 6th or 7th dan BlackBelt.I am active in game and on the forums(but mostley ingame).My favorite Toribash mods are abd,mushu,and wushu.The mods i am best at are abd,and mushu.I am also 14 years of age going on 15 this october.Well thats my application,hopefully this gets read so i know i didnt just sit hear typing this for know reason,and hopefully i get into the clan too