I actually really love it. Aside from having everything bundled up in small places, which we'll get used to soon enough, it all brings more fanciness to the game.
It honestly looks really nice, I was disgusted by it at first, but now it looks pretty cool (especially the level up animations). I also like how you can switch around people on the scoreboard depending on their role.
What I completely forgot to point out is how fucking amazing the bilgewater aram map looks. The turrets, the fish critters, the background, god damn it looks good.
Hey , guys you should try Shaco jg with Rune glave Ludens and Lich with shiv as last
his q + e and proc basic can kill almost anyone 3500 damage+ almost always with right runes new runeglave is absolutely broken
Why would you use Lich and Runeglaive in the same build? Furthermore, who in their right mind builds AP shaco anymore? AD has always scaled better and didn't need to rely on your opponents being derps.
nyan :3 Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games