Devourer yasuo is garbage. Special autos like his q or poppy q don't double proc, so you're basically just getting a very expensive wit's end.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by HawkeyeTFA View Post
Just played some Tank Clone..So OP , for teamfight you got two tank instead of one..Haters gonna hate.

Attack speed boots and warrior enchant =/= tank shaco. :s
Originally Posted by alkard View Post
What about the fact its called a botrk not a bork. xD

You can type bork in the search bar in the shop and the item will pop up. Much like how you can type bt for bloodthirster, lw for last whisper, ie for infinity edge, pd for phantom dancer, etc.
So for Yasuo, he feels much like a Tryndamere or a Jax.

Doesn't matter if you're behind in lane, you catch up the instant you get an item or two. I can go 0/2 in lane and then suddenly go 6/3 in mid game.

And if you do get ahead, you're untouchable. One of the few times I actually won lane (cuz I never ask for a gank until I've been gang banged cuz dun need) I went 7/1 at the end of the game (20 mins).

Maybe it's cuz Bronze. Or the way I play Yasuo. I seem to play him differently than how Rawr would.

He also has a lot of juking potential in the jungle, which I have to work on. I've been dashing at monsters hoping I go over walls when I need it, but I still don't fully understand its mechanics. It just randomly happens and I thank RNGesus for it.
Yasuo's E is a fixed distance so to get over walls ity have to be pretty close to the dash target
In some cases, I never had to get close to a target. I feel like such a pro though when I get away with 10 health accidentally when 5 people come bot and I just dash through kruggs smoothly.
Originally Posted by Holotor View Post
Attack speed boots and warrior enchant =/= tank shaco. :s

You can type bork in the search bar in the shop and the item will pop up. Much like how you can type bt for bloodthirster, lw for last whisper, ie for infinity edge, pd for phantom dancer, etc.

Still need a bit of AD for jungle clear and stuff. Watch shaclone stream or vid. You will understand.

Yasuo is probably stronger in toplane you can cheese jax gnar and stuff just because of the e mobility. Riven is the only hard matchup top.
French Player, Old member of OFRO
Originally Posted by HawkeyeTFA View Post
Still need a bit of AD for jungle clear and stuff. Watch shaclone stream or vid. You will understand.

I think I'd know a thing or two, just sayin'..
You only need Hydra for jungle clears since you're going tank you don't bother buying attack speed or more ad. ;P
Yeah, his clears are pretty fast with just Hydra.

Also, when armor runes were nerfed, I got some scaling resistance runes and ran a mixed per lvl and flat rune page. I saw some pros going pure per lvl pages and thought about doing the same thing. Or maybe, I should just keep mine?

And apparently, Faker also runs atk speed runes on Yas. Seems like we have the same idea here. It seems to work since I generally only build Shiv as my atk speed item. Boots are either merc or tabi for me.
Originally Posted by Holotor View Post

I think I'd know a thing or two, just sayin'..
You only need Hydra for jungle clears since you're going tank you don't bother buying attack speed or more ad. ;P

My Actual reaction to you 80K Shaco :

Yasuo :
I run some CDR rune and Magic resist so i've got 5% Cdr in early wich is sweet . Armor seal , 2x Quint of Damage and 1x Quint of Attack Speed , and just 9x Mark of Armor penetration to got a better late game and deal some sweet true damage.
French Player, Old member of OFRO