My Actual reaction to you 80K Shaco :
Yasuo :
I run some CDR rune and Magic resist so i've got 5% Cdr in early wich is sweet . Armor seal , 2x Quint of Damage and 1x Quint of Attack Speed , and just 9x Mark of Armor penetration to got a better late game and deal some sweet true damage.
Attack speed boots and warrior enchant =/= tank shaco. :s
You can type bork in the search bar in the shop and the item will pop up. Much like how you can type bt for bloodthirster, lw for last whisper, ie for infinity edge, pd for phantom dancer, etc.
Devourer yasuo is garbage. Special autos like his q or poppy q don't double proc, so you're basically just getting a very expensive wit's end.
shitty teammates? help them help you by peeling!!
Dont run cdr, the only thing cdr benifits is windwall and your ult. Your E has a .1 second cd and your q is based off your attack speed. run attack speed quints with crit reds to give you an early start, as well as getting you close to 100% crit. Flat armor yellows l, and you can flip your blues between half attack speed half mr, or just flat mr.
Armor pen is NOT true damage. If you want armor pen, use your ult, or just get lw if you are really bent on getting it.
First perfect game in a long while