Rengar is actually next on my bucket list. Tried him out a lot when he was on a free rotation. He's more faceroll than Katarina and deals massive damage.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016 My Replays
Well at the exact time you got fed and you ult with 5 stack on the enemy ADC and you land one single 5Stack/Root the gate of hell are open.
Btw fml can't play the new gamemode, since i'm goig to spain tomorrow...
Score was something like 11-4 (we were losing) before I put on my carry shoes (runeglaive) and destroyed the other team.. Not even Mundo had a chance of surviving more than a few seconds.
I like devourer diana more now since the runeglaive nerfs. Passive proc every other auto gives a lot of damage, like 500 bonus damage at least by 2 items.
nyan :3 Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Score was something like 11-4 (we were losing) before I put on my carry shoes (runeglaive) and destroyed the other team.. Not even Mundo had a chance of surviving more than a few seconds.